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AHST 3320.001
Modern Architecture

Spring 2022

Dr. Charissa N. Terranova
1:00-2:15 pm

PHY 1.202 (In person)


Office Hours: By appointment

Office Location: ATC 2.704


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UT Dallas Policies

Writing Tips

Final Exam Review

Class Presentations

1.) Wed. 01/19/22 Introduction: Modernity, Modernization, Modernism

2.) Wed. 01/19/22 Historicist Architecture

3.) Mon. 01/24/22 The Gothic and News from Nowhere: Pugin, Ruskin, and Morris

4.) Wed. 01/26/22 The Crystal Palace and Great Exhibition of 1851

5.) Mon. 01/31/22 Chicago’s Columbian Exposition 1893  

6.) Wed. 02/02/22 Chicago Loop and Skyscraper

7.) Mon.-Wed. 02/07-09/22 Frank Lloyd Wright and the Myth of the Prairie

8.) Mon.-Wed. 02/14-16/22 Structural Rationalism and the Influence of Viollet-le-Duc, et. al.

9.) Mon.-Wed. 02/21-23/22 The Sacred Spring; Futurism and Futurist Architecture

10.) Mon.-Wed. 02/28-03/01/22 Adolf Loos, Henry van de Velde and the Abstraction of Empathy

11.) Mon. 03/07/22 Henry Van de Velde + Glass Chain

12.) Mon. 03/21/22 Bauhaus

13.) Wed. 03/23/22 Neue Sachlichkeit

14.) Mon-Wed. 03/28-03/30/22 Le Corbusier and the Esprit Nouveau

15.) Mon. 04/02/22 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and the Significance of Fact

16.) Wed. 04/04/22 The New Collectivity: Modern Architecture in the Soviet Union

17.) Mon.-Wed. 04/11/22-04/13/22 Urbanisms of FLW and Corbusier

18.) Mon.-Wed. 04/18/22-04/20/22 International Style Modernism

19.) Mon.-Wed. 04/25/22-04/27/22 New Brutalism

20.) Wed.05/05/22 Urban Renewal, Housing Projects, and W(h)ither Modernism?

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